
Our current fulfilment time is between 1 to 2 business days.

Delivery times are indicated from the day when the shipment of your order has been confirmed by Dede Johnston Design. 

All orders are shipped with DPD standard delivery. For orders in the UK, deliveries are generally within in 1 to 2 business days from time of shipment. For orders in Europe, deliveries are generally within 3 to 4 business days from time of shipment.

We cannot take responsibility, however, if the delivery time is longer than indicated by our shipping provider's confirmation. We are always happy to answer questions about your orders, so please feel free to contact our customer service team with your enquiries on

Please note that at the moment, we are unable to ship orders to the United States.


Once you receive your order, you have fourteen (14) days to request a return authorization code and return the unwanted item(s) for a full refund.

The costs and responsibility of shipping the item(s) back to us is to be handled the customer.

Please kindly make sure to carefully pack everything as it was originally packed.


In the event that any items arrive damaged or defected, please contact our customer care team at with photos of the broken product which you are entitled to receive a new, similar item at no cost of return.